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Welcome to the new year! I hope to have a productive one and am wishing you a prosperous one too.

My Instagram #topnine wasn't very cool to look at since it was mostly automatically cropped versions of video "reels". I guess they're trying to compete with TikTok by pushing reels.

Make sure to share this with your friends and enemies who you think might have a secret morbid curiosity about me. Sign up for regular updates via my contact form.



I don't have any public appearances scheduled, but I'm happy to announce that I'll be attending the SCBWI Winter Conference in NYC in February as an attendee. If you'll be there, let me know and maybe we can connect.


Peter Cadaver

These are the strips from December.


The Many Misfortunes of Eugenia Wang

As of this writing, I'm 34% done with my inks.

If you're on Goodreads, do me a favor and make sure to add THE MANY MISFORTUNES OF EUGENIA WANG to your WANT TO READ list!


Cuddlefish Academy


My portfolio review for Gila von Meissner:


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Welcome to my bi-monthly-ish newsletter. I don't have as many events coming up, since I'm working on the inks for my graphic novel, but I have lots of other voyeuristic content for you! Sign up for regular updates via my contact form.



None coming up, but stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy some caricature reveals from my last event at the Grand Lake Pumpkin Patch!

You can see more of these at my TikTok page.


Peter Cadaver

These are the strips from October and November.


The Many Misfortunes of Eugenia Wang

As of the beginning of November, I've gotten my continuity notes back from my editor. Actually it was three editors and and our designer looking at it (because one of them was our Cantonese expert to look at my jyutping phonetics.

Let the inking begin!

It's a long project, so how do I keep myself going and on track?

As of this writing, I'm 10% through my inks! Here's a little nugget about some of my inspiration for this story:

If you're on Goodreads, do me a favor and make sure to add THE MANY MISFORTUNES OF EUGENIA WANG to your WANT TO READ list!


Cuddlefish Academy

Who would be crazy enough to do graphic novels? My fellow Cuddlefish Academy Professor, Kaz Windness asked this question, so I answered it.

Stangents. I'm thinking about maybe making a course on this in the future, but here's a sneak peak at what they are.

What makes for a good kidlit portfolio?

Don't forget I'll do a FREE 3-minute kidlit portfolio review for you! Just comment on one of my social media posts or message me on them with your portfolio link! This one is for Krista Weltner.


There's a Zombie in the Basement

As I'd mentioned in my previous newsletter, in expectation of the upcoming release of a special 4th edition of THERE'S A ZOMBIE IN THE BASEMENT, I started asking parents to send me their kids' monster drawings. Keep sending them!

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