Vincent Price Presents: Zombicatures

In 2011, a story I wrote was illustrated by Dan Crosier and published by BlueWater Productions as Vincent Price Presents #33. It was a story about me drawing zombie caricatures of people at a comic book convention. Well, I started to give this book to folks that I was drawing, since they kind of became a part of the story, but I began to feel a bit strange giving people a book I didn’t draw after I drew them. So, with the blessing of Dan and BlueWater, I crowdfunded a version of the book that I drew.
In this version, I offered to draw my backers into the book in various capacities, from a background extra all the way up to the starring role as the villain!
The pledge drive ended April 6, 2015, and I completed production of the book in August, 2015.
This project is dedicated to the memory of Brendan Wenberg (January 5, 1979 – October 24, 2014)
24 page, full-color comic book, $5 US