Title: The Wang: Who’s Your Daddy?
Written, illustrated, inked and lettered by Stan Yan
Foreward by T. Motley
Intended Audience: Mature Readers
Format: 96 page b&w comic, color square-bound cover
Retail Price: $9.95 US
ISBN 0-9755041-4-2
The long-anticipated sequel to the underground hit, The Wang: The BIG One. As successful as The Big One was a combining what Scott Chon(Arbiter of Good Tast, Sequart.com) calls, “An Asian-American sex comedy” with “a laugh-out-loud tragedy,” Yan feels Who’s Your Daddy”one-ups its predecessor by weaving into the mix, “the best murder mystery I’ve ever written.” 2006
The Wang: Who's Your Daddy?
SKU: 015